Herman’s Furniture and Design Team

Peggy Nagel

Designer  |  Avon Lake  |  Herman’s Furniture & Design Team

Meet Peggy!


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Mauris urna enim, sagittis at eros sit amet, sollicitudin aliquet leo. Duis hendrerit at velit ut consectetur.

Tour Peggy Nagel’s Recent Designs 

Featured House Story

This homeowner came to Herman’s Furniture and Design with a set of inspiration photos for their bathroom suite.

Peggy Nagel drew from this inspiration with a monochromatic palette for the walls and flooring of the bedroom with neutral bedding and pops of color with navy nightstands, matching accessories and window treatments.

Peggy chose marble, white, navy, and gold-toned fixtures to compliment the navy cabinets that match the bedroom scheme, and don’t miss the elegant vanity. 

More Designs by Peggy Nagel